Working in a school, you may be aware of the following types of abuse being ‘regular’ occurrences. It is especially important that you exercise professional curiosity at all times and raise any concerns you have with your school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
TASK: (Document 1 of 5). Read through the attached information on the PDF document below. It details the more commonly experienced forms of abuse within the context of exploitation and vulnerability.
You may be less aware of the following types of abuse happening to pupils in your school, but it’s important to understand that they exist, and do happen. It is especially important that you exercise professional curiosity at all times and raise any concerns you have with your school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
TASK: (Documents 2 and 3 of 5). Read through the attached information on the two PDF documents below. It details the less commonly experienced forms of abuse within the context of exploitation and vulnerability.
TASK: (Document 4 of 5). Read through the attached information on the PDF document below. It details the Vulnerable Situations in which children can find themselves.
TASK: (Document 5 of 5). Read through the attached information on the PDF document below. It details the Manipulative Situations in which children can find themselves, which lead to exploitation.
TASK: Module 3: Exploitation and vulnerable situations including specific categories of abuse scenarios.
Please move on to the next lesson for your Module 3 task. This is followed by the Module 3 summary.