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Welcome to our Phase One & Assessment Only Route Induction Training! As aspiring educators, your role in shaping the lives of young learners and contributing to our society’s future is pivotal. Your passion, dedication, and pursuit of excellence will serve as catalysts, inspiring and empowering the upcoming generation of leaders, innovators, and influencers. Seize this opportunity to absorb knowledge, foster personal growth, and enact positive change in the lives of others. Together, let’s forge a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow through the transformative force of education. To equip you with the necessary confidence and expertise for a successful journey ahead, we invite you to complete our comprehensive Induction Training before commencing Phase One.

Additionally, the course covers various layers of support and guidance available to trainees. Trainees will learn who to contact for assistance and how to access this support when needed. Whether it’s technical assistance with the Training Hub platform or guidance on compiling evidence for assessment, trainees will have the resources and support they need to succeed

User Guide:

One of the most valuable and effective layers of support available to trainees is the Grad2Teach Community. This community serves as a hub for collaboration, networking, and sharing of experiences among educators. Trainees are encouraged to join our Phase One (P1) and Assessment Only Route (AOR) WhatsApp Group, where they can connect with fellow trainees, ask questions, seek advice, and receive support in real time.

Join our P1 and AOR WhatsApp Group to tap into a wealth of collective knowledge and experience: [WhatsApp Group Link:]

By joining this group, trainees gain access to a supportive community of peers who understand the challenges and triumphs of the training journey. Together, we can navigate through any obstacles and celebrate successes along the way. Don’t miss out on this invaluable resource—join the Grad2Teach Community today!

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